Our Courses at WECI
We offer courses at the Institute for both adults and children, in either General or Business English. Children are assessed prior to joining to ensure they commence learning at a level consistant with their current ability.
External teaching includes Government school programmes and Corporate Work, involving specialized English Tuition. Typical establishments include hotels, manufacturing companies and educational organizations.
Course length ranges from 30 to 1,080 hours for standard General/Business Courses, although courses can be tailor made to suit the client. Both American and British English courses are available.
We focus on the communicative approach to teaching, with much emphasis on listening, speaking and pronunciation. Constant learner participation and small class sizes allow learners plenty of opportunity to speak, with many additional communicative activities such as games, jazz chants, songs, role plays and videos, to reinforce and consolidate learning.
English for all levels:
– Early English for Young Learners
– English for Young Learners
– English for Hotel Business
– Business English
– English for corperations
– Summer Camp
– English Camp
Young Learners Course Schedule 2024
Saturday or Sunday, 09:00 – 12:00 or 13:00 – 16:00
10 week courses with breaks for Public Holidays
Semester 1
20th January – 30th March (Holiday on 24th February)
21st January – 31st March (Holiday 25th February)
Semester 2
20th April-29th June (Holiday on 4th May)
21st April-30th June (Holiday on 5th May)
Semester 3
6th July-21st September (Holiday on 20th and 27th July)
7th July-22nd September (Holiday on 21st and 28th July)
Semester 4
28th September-7th December (Holiday on 12th October)
29th September-8th December (Holiday on 13th October)
Student has the choice to take a class on Saturday or Sunday, or on both days.
Pre Course assessment will be arranged if required, to ensure correct level of placement.
Please contact us for further information.
We can also can provide a customised program to meet your requirements.
English for Early Young Learners

English for Young Learners

English for Hospitality

English for Business